
Two centralized Outreach and Health Education Training for Shan and Kachin State were conducted in Laukkai and Myitkyina. The participants are all the Outreach Workers, Peer Educators from AHRN Lashio, Laukkai (Shan) and AHRN Hpakant, Seng Taung, Waimaw, Bamaw, Sezin (Kachin).  The topics of the training are: Outreach Techniques, Outreach Competencies, AHRN Health Education Guidebook, how to prepare a HE session and presentation skills. 80% of the training were based on active participation of participants through group work and presentations while 20% was dedicated for theory. AHRN HE Guidebook for HE facilitation were also provided to the participants for their reference for future HE facilitation. The trainings were conducted by Thinzar Tun, National Program Manager with the support of the Laukkai and Waimaw project team.

Training Objectives were:

  • To reflect the outputs of their outreach work and compare/share with other participants
  • To learn Outreach techniques, competencies
  • To learn the Donor Expectations on Outreach
  • To learn about the HE tips and presentation skills
  • To be able to conduct an HE sessions by himself/herself
  • To learn about HE Module