24 hour In-House Care Centre

Under the supported by 3MDG fund, a 24 hour and 15-20 bedded care center was granted to Better Shade Peer Support Group (BSPSG in Seng Taung). This center offers 24 hour care to terminally ill drug users. The key feature of these services is a strong commitment and care giving attitude by (former) drug users, some of them on Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT). The overall care approach is based on the “Buddy Care System” to benefit former drug users in their self-esteem and recovery through supporting their peers.


  • PWID/PWUDs are provided with care & support services for terminally ill drug users.
  • Support for receiving ART.
  • Arrange a decent death by organizing the funeral service for the passed away clients.
  • Job allocation for peers : peers are performing tasks such as care-giving, counseling etc. under technical support from AHRN

Buddy System of Peers:

Recruited and trained male/female peers, supported by professional staff of AHRN Myanmar, act as care and (moral) support givers on different levels (practical nursing care, nutrition, companionship, funeral arrangements) for PWID/PWUD residing in the in-house care and support center.

Training for Peer Staffs:

Peer staffs are provided with trainings to improve their capacity through direct involvement in program planning and implementation, improvement of knowledge and attitude on HIV/AIDS, TB, Overdose and other severe health issues.
