
Who are our beneficiaries?

Activity at Seng Taung DIC

Activity at Seng Taung DIC

Our main beneficiaries are :

A. (Injecting) drug users:

Since almost 28.1% (as mentioned in the HIV Sentinel Sero-surveillance Report 2010 by NAP/DoH/MoH) of all HIV infections in Myanmar occur through injecting drug use, people injecting drugs will be the main beneficiaries. Next to injecting drug users, also drug users practicing other modes of administration will be main beneficiaries, in order to prevent a switch to the risky injecting behaviour and to address possible sexual risks while under the influence of illicit substances (including Amphetamine Type Substances-ATS).

Through the implementation of Drop-in Centres (including medical care, counselling and psycho-social support) and health education/information, they will gain access to care, information, and prevention materials to protect themselves (better) from HIV/AIDS, as well as hepatitis and other STIs. The inclusion of an Outreach Programme and Peer Educators, recruited and trained among (I)DUs residing in the proposed sites, will facilitate contacts with (I)DUs and the distribution of prevention materials. (I)DUs will actively participate in both the development of the programmes and the delivery of services. They will participate in surveys, in training programmes, IEC development, etc., either individually or through focus groups. (Ex-) drug users with the necessary skills will be specifically trained as peer educators/peer supporters and the operations of Self-Support Groups of (injecting) drug users will be supported.

TB incidence and TB-HIV co-infection is also higher among (injecting) drug users than in the general population. WHO even developed a manual specifically on providing comprehensive TB and HIV prevention, treatment and care services for (I)DUs, which emphasis the high risk involved. Furthermore, TB, if left untreated, will speed up the progression of the HIV infection.

B. The sexual partners of the PWID/PWUD and other community members:

The sexual partners of the PWID/PWUD, their families, and communities will also benefit from the project through the prevention of sexual and mother-to-child HIV transmission mainly through supporting the referral to NAP, Government hospitals, other IPs and through AHRN services. It includes 1.Prevention of Primary HIV infection; Prevention of unintended pregnancies among women infected with HIV, 3.Prevention of HIV transmission from Women infected with HIV to their infants, 4.Provision of Treatment, care and support to women infected with HIV and their Families. The sexual partners of PWID/PWUD will be protected from TB, HIV, STIs, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C through education, counselling, behavioural change communication. The project will reduce (risky) drug use within families and in communities and will reduce some of the drug use related crimes in society. Averting HIV infection in the family will accrue savings that can be used for children’s education, housing, or improving overall family health. Indeed, we should expect to see an improvement in the financial capacity and economic status of individuals, families, and the communities in which they live.

Through the provision of Drop-in Centres with basic services (including health education, family counselling with regard to addiction of other family members, HTC, condom dissemination, TB screening, basic PHC and referrals)  to community members, including non-DUs (like sexual partners and family members of DUs), community support to the project will increase.  As an indirect result of these services, health and well-being of community members will improve.