Drop-in Centre

A Drop-In Centre (DIC) is a safe and non-threatening space, where People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) and People Who Use Drugs (PWUD) can have a ‘break’ and where AHRN services are available in a non-judgemental and user-friendly manner.

DIC Activities:

Recreational Activities:

AHRN DICs are a “safe place just like own’s home” for PWID/PWUD. It serves different purposes, a “chill out” place, a forum where they can talk about their issues with their peers, a movie theater, a place to have a shower, toilet and wash their clothes, have a hair dressing by part time hired hair dressers,drink a cup of tea, a venue where they can practice their personal hobbies like playing guitar, sports.

Behavior Change activities such as Health Education activities:


Health Education and IEC play a significant role in raising the awareness for Behavioral Change Communication (BCC) process. AHRN Health Education Session topics are: Peer Education, Consequences of Drug Use, Harm Reduction, HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, TB and Drug Use, Malaria, Sexually Transmitted Infection-STI, Safer Sex, Safer Injection, Overdose Prevention, Women and Drug Use, Methadone Maintenance Therapy, Liver-how toprotect your liver, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C.

Dissemination of Risk Reduction Supplies and IEC Materials:

It is within international practice for harm reduction; reducing injection risks for HIV, hepatitis and other blood borne infection as well as promoting a safer sexual practices.

Self-Help Group meetings:

It is regular monthly meetings with AHRN clients where information on TB/MMT/ART is shared through interactive discussions to improve the adherence on medication and other treatment. It can be a gate way for social reintegration for clients.

Gathering Dinner and Game competition:

AHRN project sites conduct monthly dinner and competitions activities for PWID/PWUD accessing our DICs. Different competitions and activities are held such as group games, sports, singing contest, poem/novels/cartoons contest, quiz contest etc. All the competitions/activities end with a client dinner event where all are treated to a decent meal, either cooked by their own peers or ordered from outside. The aim of this event is to create a stronger client-team spirit through fun and happy, enjoyable hours spend-together with their peers.