Health Education session on Methadone Maintenance Therapy was conducted on 11, February at Seng Taung (Hme Kha) MMT-ART Clinic which was led by Medical Coordinator (MMT-ART) while focusing on Covid restriction and regulation. Key population including PWID, PWUD, MMT-ART clients were actively attended. During the session, Condoms and IEC pamphlets were distributed for participants to reduce harm for blood borne diseases such as HIV, STI and Hepatitis and extend their knowledge on drug use in their daily life. Besides, Zin Mar Win (Nurse Counselor) provided regular Methadone dispensing services after the HE session. Through the training, The harm reduction and knowledge on drug use and methadone maintenance therapy could be developed among the PWID, PWUD and MMT-ART clients, which can lead to safer behavior in their life while dealing with substance, and could be the positive step toward recovery.